10GB Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) + Receiver 5311644-2-R
5311644-2-R | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
This small form-factor pluggable (SFP)+ is a compact, hot-pluggable transceiver used for data communication applications. These small metal devices plug into a special switch slot and support communication over either fiber optic or copper networking cable. The SFP+ is an enhanced version which provides higher throughput that will give upto 10G uplink capability. This versatile transceiver is designed to operate reliably over a wide range of operating temperature and comes in a compact design measuring just 90 X 90 X 15 mm which can be intalled in space constraint areas using the provided mounting holes on the Printed Wired Board (PWB). The device comes with LED indicators which provides realtime status of power conditions, Loopback and signal. This 10 Gig SFP+ Receiver is compatible for use in the HF Receiver Unit assembly of GE's Computed Tomography (CT) systems and will be shipped in suitable packaging to give adequate protection during transit. 5311644-2-R