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Magnet Rundown Unit Primary MRU2006

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
GE HealthCare
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Product Overview

The Magnet Rundown Unit Primary MRU2006 comes as a part of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) device. It is designed to power the main coil heaters of the superconducting magnets, causing the magnetic field to rapidly decay. Power is removed from the heater after a preset time period. Internal battery backup is provided together with test functions to ensure MRU availability. When its RUNDOWN pushbutton is depressed, the MRU provides a timed (30 seconds-minimum, 50 seconds-nominal) 20 V source to both heaters in the superconducting Magnet System. In addition, test circuits are provided to verify battery charger operation, battery charge condition and magnet heater element resistance limits.