Booster fan assembly, VCT top cover 5125055-H
5125055-H | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
This Booster fan assembly comprises of an axial DC Fan, Fan Bracket, a six position-two row connector and required hardwares for mounting the assembly. The use of high quality Polyamide (PA) material for making the Impeller offers very good impact resistance, toughness and lightweight. The Aluminum Die Cast fan housing provides excellent EMI and RFI shielding properties, very good strength, hardness, good stiffness and strength-to-weight ratio. This axial fan is mounted on a low carbon cold rolled steel bracket which provides strong support to the fan and prevents damage to cabinet cooling systems from household dust, debris or prodding fingers. The sacrificial zinc plating on the bracket protect it against corrosion. This booster fan requires 48 Volts DC power supply to provides good airflow rate up to 321 CFM for faster air circulation and produces low noise even at 4300 RPMs. This Booster fan assembly is installed in the right side top cover assembly of VCT system, act as an auxiliary fan for providing extra air flow in the system which improves the thermal management process of the electronic circuitory. This booster fan assembly is compatible for use in the GE's Volume Computed Tomography (VCT) systems. 5125055-H