Filter/Frame CTR - H3 2277362-H
2277362-H | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The build-up of dust can impact the performance of electronics/electrical assemblies as it causes the components of the assembly to retain heat and makes it more difficult for the internal fans to dissipate heat from the system, thereby decreasing the efficiency of the entire system. This filter frame assembly filter outs the dust, particulate matter, and other solid airborne materials. The high quality, 44 PPI Polyurethane foam of this filter assembly offers high air flow, low pressure drop, good insulating property, high temperature resistance and have low fire retardancy. This foam is encapsulated in a dimensionally stable aluminum channel frame with diamond pattern mesh at the outter side which acts as EMI filter and gives the assembly a pleasant aesthetic appearance. The bottom of this aluminum frame has 4x Ø 3.5 mm holes which is used to attach the steel tab using dome head POP rivets. This steel tab is used for mounting the filter frame in the fan assembly. This filter assembly is used with the Plenum Fan assembly, center fan of DAS duct fan assembly of GE's PET/CT systems. 2277362-H