Titan Acquisition System Controller
2197212-R | |
2197212 | |
X-Ray | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Titan Acquisition System Controller has an enclosure card rack designed to contain up to six standard ISA circuit cards, that is, CPU board, Bus Interface Unit, Serial Board, ISA (PCI) backplane, and Control Panel Board. The CPU consists of a standard IEEE-P996 (ISA-16) compliant AT form factor slot board of maximum dimension 4.80 x 13.30 in. The BIU consists of a standard IEEE-P996 (ISA-16) compliant AT form factor slot board of maximum dimension 4.80 x 13.30 in. The Serial Board consists of a standard IEEE-P996 (ISA-16) compliant AT form factor slot board of approximate 1/2 size. The purpose of the control panel board is to provide mechanical mounting and electrical connection for the front panel accessible input connectors, indicators and switches whereas the purpose of the backplane is to distribute the ISA (IEEE P996) computer bus to all potential circuit cards that plug into the backplane (maximum of 6). In addition, the backplane distributes a secondary local computer bus, PCI, to 4 of the 6 potential plug in circuit boards. The enclosure includes appropriate forced air cooling for circuit boards and power supply such that all internal items fall within their specified operating temperature range, while the module is subjected to the upper limit of its defined operating range. An enclosure provides removable cover so as to provide access to circuit boards and other subsystems for easy replacement.
Equivalent Part :
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |
2197212 | TITAN ASC |