2134610-2-H | |
X-Ray | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
This Cone Sensor Assembly comprises of an optical sensor, connectors and a spring loaded shaft with rubber bumper mounted on a steel bracket. The assembly is engineered and designed to fit in the IDD and 18 X 24 SFD PAN lower assembly. The Optical Sensor keeps track of cone drive positioning and speed, that results in precise panning of the device. The use of contact less type optical sensor and assembly's other high quality components such as Stainless Steel shaft ensures reliable and long service life. This assembly comes with easy to install connectors with pre-fabricated holes on the steel mounting bracket for quick mounting. This cone sensor assembly is compatible with Aurora IDD, and Precision IDD, (32 & 40 cm) assemblies used in SFD X-Ray systems.
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Robust, digital performance at an efficient dose
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